Saturday, September 8, 2012

Let's get pinning!

So, where shall i start??! There are TONNES of things i'm loving right now.. But i guess the one that jumps straight to mind is Pinterest.. While I know its not a huge secret anymore there are some folks out there who might still be in the Pinterest dark.. Well fear not, help is here!

I basically stumbled upon Pinterest by sheer accident, and in truth there has been NO looking back! A dear friend of mine said to me one dreary work day "So, are you on this "Pinterest" thing?" to which i replied "No, i am not, what IS this Pinterest thing you speak of?!" She responded with "No idea, it just seemed like something you'd know about!"

To google we flew at lightening speed.. And low and beyond my Utopia appeared, it all its cluttered glory! Clothes, inspirational quotes, recipes, DIY's of anything imaginable and breathtaking shots of scantly clad men, Pinterest has it all!

To give you a brief summary Pinterest is like a giant pinboard, or collection of giant pinboards, that you create to your own liking. You create the boards and then "pin" photos from any part of the webiverse that tickles your fancy! The "pins" are like a little bookmarking tools that carry the direct link from the original page to your newly created board.. you'll never have to remember recipe locations again, or have to utter those heart wrenching words "Where did i see that amazing pair of shoes with free shipping????!"
Pinterest also allows you to follow like minded peeps, those who inspire you to be a little less lazy, to be a little more creative or those who teach you that extreme envy isn't always a bad thing! Whether you're finding your own pins or repinning those of others Pinterest will be HOURS of entertainment, even for the least tech savvy of you. Its all so easy and addictive.

Some of my boards include titles such as: Put a Smile on that Dial (because everyone needs a chuckle every now and a again!),  Maxin' the visa (I'm just trying to help the economy!), I want to go to there (pretty self explanatory), Nailed it (mind out of the gutter, its purely nail polish!), Steal My Heart (a tribute to all the beautiful men out there, they need love too!), but enough of my clever word play now its your turn!

So come along, join the masses.. You won't be sorry..

Oh and... you can thank me later!

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